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Table Of Authorities For Mac

  1. Table Of Authorities Tutorial
  2. Legal Table Of Authorities Rules
  3. Table Of Authorities For Machines

Name Description Date Create a TOA using BA Light Edition 12/15/16 Basics on Building a TOA 12/15/16 Emphasis on how to use Review 12/15/16 Tips and Tricks 12/15/16 New features in BA4 compared to BA version 3 12/15/16 Explains how to create schemes and set TOA options for formatting the TOA 10/20/15 Basics on Building a TOA 12/15/16 Emphasis on how to use Review 12/15/16 Tips and Tricks 9/4/17 New features in BA4 compared to BA version 3 12/15/16 Explains how to create schemes and set TOA options for formatting the TOA 12/15/16. The best way to figure out why this is happening is to go into review. Are the citations highlighted in gray, if so they are being suppressed due to scheme settings. Either:. Exit review and change the options to include these items, or. Premium Users, while in Review, can unsuppress the citations you want to include in the TOA. Are the citations highlighted in Red as “Suspects”? If yes, you will need to either:.

Edit the text of the brief if the citation has a typo or is not in standard format, so a BA re-scan can find it, or. Premium Users:.

if the red highlighting is the entire citation, then use Edit Authority to assign it a citation type. if the red highlighting is only partially picking up the citation use 'Mark' to add it to the TOA,.

Table Of Authorities Tutorial

If this is the standard way to cite a particular citation, you may have found a citation not recognized by our scan engine. If so, please get that information to Tech Support, so that we can update the software. Tech Support may also be able to create a custom dictionary which will enable the BA Scan to automatically find those citations, in the version of software you are currently running. If an error occurs while running Best Authority, the program will pop up a dialog, with a link to email to us the Error.Log.

Please do that. Include the following information in the email:. At which step did the error occur?. What was the last thing the user did? (For example, tried to unmark the citation 'Sanity Clause', or clicked OK at the Build step). Is this is a document specific issue?

If so, if at all possible, please attach the document to the email. Many errors are document specific. Test thist by doing the same procedure with one of our training documents. If that works, then it is most likely a document specific issue.

For many courts, the TOA is put in the introductory section, before the main body text of the brief. If it is expected that the introductory section will use Roman page numbers(i,ii,iii) and the main body of the brief will use Arabic (1,2,3) page numbers, your document will need a section break inserted at the point where the page number format changes. You should section your document before you build the final TOA. Even in a jurisdiction such as California, where many courts require continuous Arabic page numbering, you should use a next page section break for the TOA page, so it does not run onto a page with other document text. Best Authority 4 supports running in both 32-bit and 64-bit environments (both Windows and Microsoft Office). However, there are different setup kits for installing in 32-bit Office and 64-bit Office environments. To determine whether you are running 32-bit or 64-bit Office, open Microsoft Word and do the following: Word 2007:.

You are running 32-bit Office. Word 2010:. Click the File tab. On the left-hand menu, click on Help.

On the right-hand side, under “About Microsoft Word”, the Version will be shown, with either “(32-bit)” or “(64-bit)” following the build number. Word 2013/2016:. Click the File tab. On the left-hand menu, click on “Account”. On the right-hand side, click the “About Word” button. On the About Microsoft Word dialog, the Build number will be displayed at the top, followed by either “32-bit” or “64-bit”.

Once you have determined whether you are running 32-bit or 64-bit Office, you will need to use the matching version of the Best Authority installation. In addition, there is both an.EXE and an.MSI for both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the Best Authority installation. Almost everyone uses the.EXE for installation.

The.MSI versions of the Setup Kit are intended ONLY for customers who either have a software distribution system that requires an.MSI installation or intend to customize their setups by using an.MST. Download your BestAuthority.License.xml file. Download the.EXE setup kit (ex: BestAuthority64-EXE4-0-2006.zip). Close Microsoft Word. Unzip the setup kit. Right click on the.exe and run the setup kit preferably as administrator. Take all the defaults, except you must accept the EULA.

Click Finish. Now open Microsoft Word.

Find the Best Authority tab. Click on the tab and open a training document. If you get a message saying the license hasn't installed, you need to.

Table Of Authorities For MacMac

Browse to the location where you saved the license. Select the license file (BestAuthority.License.xml). Click Ok. You should get a message saying 'License installed successfully'. If you need assistance, call tech support. You do not need to download the software and license for each machine. Create a folder either on a server or a memory stick.

Download your BestAuthority.License.xml file and save it into the folder you created. Download the.EXE setup kit (ex: BestAuthority64-EXE4-0-2006.zip).

Table Of Authorities For Machines

Extract the contents of the.zip file into the folder you created. On the machine you wish to install close Microsoft Word. Right click on the.exe in the folder and run the setup kit preferably as administrator. Take all the defaults, except you must accept the EULA. Click Finish.

Now open Microsoft Word. Find the Best Authority tab. Click on the tab and open a training document. If you need help with this, call tech support. Best Authority stores information in the document in the form of bookmarks, document variables, custom document properties, and fields. Any metadata cleaning software that removes any of these items will interfere with the Best Authority data storage.

This removal of information will usually cause either an error, or unexpected results when creating a Table of Authorities. Details of the Best Authority metadata is contained in the Best Authority Administrator’s Guide, chapter entitled 'Best Authority Document Metadata'.

I am writing an appellate brief. It requires that I create a Table of Contents and a Table of Authorities. I've figured out the Table of Contents, but have not been able to find help on how to create the Table of Authorities. This latest version of Word for Mac (2011) has me befuddled. It is set up so differently from previous versions. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. And this: This is a Video created for use on 2008 might be adaptable for 2011 Finally this has been updated for 2011 this is from a Law Professor or or Law Firm: Use Rich's Reference as well to create the components for your TOA.

If my reply has helped, mark accordingly - Helpful or Answer Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.